In the world of programming, particularly in languages like Java, proxies are powerful tools that enable developers to control the interaction between clients and services. They serve various purposes, from adding functionality to existing objects to simplifying complex systems. When it comes to proxies, two main types stand out: static and dynamic proxies. But how do you choose between them? Let’s dive in!

Understanding Proxies

Before we compare static and dynamic proxies, let’s clarify what a proxy is. A proxy acts as an intermediary that controls access to another object static proxy. It can encapsulate an object, allowing you to add additional behaviors (like logging, security, or caching) without modifying the original object.

Static Proxies

Definition: A static proxy is defined at compile time. It involves creating a separate class that implements the same interface as the target class. The proxy class contains a reference to the target object and delegates calls to it.


  1. Performance: Since the proxy is compiled and linked statically, it usually has a slight performance advantage. Method calls are direct and do not involve reflection.
  2. Type Safety: Static proxies are checked at compile time, meaning you’ll catch errors earlier in the development process.
  3. Simplicity: For a limited number of classes/interfaces, static proxies are often easier to implement and understand.


  1. Code Duplication: You need to create a new proxy class for each target class, leading to increased code complexity and maintenance issues.
  2. Inflexibility: If you want to add new behaviors to another class, you’ll have to create a new proxy class again.

Dynamic Proxies

Definition: Dynamic proxies are created at runtime. They allow you to create a proxy for any interface without needing a dedicated proxy class. In Java, you can use the Proxy class from the java.lang.reflect package to create dynamic proxies.


  1. Flexibility: With dynamic proxies, you can easily create a proxy for any interface, making it ideal for scenarios where new behaviors need to be added frequently.
  2. Less Boilerplate: You don’t have to create new classes for each proxy, reducing the amount of boilerplate code.
  3. Dynamic Behavior: You can programmatically define what happens when a method is called, which allows for more complex behaviors without altering existing classes.


  1. Performance Overhead: Dynamic proxies often use reflection, which can introduce a performance hit compared to static proxies.
  2. Compile-Time Safety: Errors may only become apparent at runtime, which can lead to harder debugging and maintenance.

When to Use Each Proxy Type

Use Static Proxies When:

  • You have a small, fixed number of classes/interfaces that require proxying.
  • Performance is a critical concern, and you want to minimize overhead.
  • Compile-time type safety is important for your application.

Use Dynamic Proxies When:

  • You have a large or variable number of interfaces and want to minimize the amount of code you write.
  • You need flexibility in defining behaviors or need to work with third-party interfaces.
  • You want to implement cross-cutting concerns like logging or security in a more dynamic manner.


Choosing between static and dynamic proxies ultimately depends on your specific use case. If you prioritize performance and type safety, static proxies might be the way to go. However, if you need flexibility and are dealing with many interfaces, dynamic proxies could save you time and effort.